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Spa Private Medical Specialists Doctors Gloucestershire

Dr. Laura O'Loghlen

I qualified from Nottingham University in 2005 before completing my foundation training years in Lincoln and Nottingham. I then decided to move to Devon to embark on general medical training and achieved membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP). 


After that, I specialised in Palliative Medicine and for almost three years worked in the community, hospitals and hospices providing complex symptom control and end of life care. I subsequently decided to move back up the M5 to Cheltenham and switched to the wonderful world of General Practice, completing my training in 2016.


I have worked as an NHS Locum GP throughout Gloucestershire since 2017, working in a large number of different surgeries and meeting a huge number of patients along the way. I am looking forward to joining the Spa Medical team alongside my ongoing NHS work.


Away from work I have three lovely children who keep me very busy and I enjoy running regularly to keep fit. I am passionate about travel and food – both of which can be tricky with small children! – and even applied (unsuccessfully!) to the Great British Bake off once!

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