Appointment - Specific Information

Please complete the New Patient Questionnaire. We generally don't need your NHS or other medical records, as you can go through relevant facts briefly with the doctor.
If you have any test or scan results that you wish to discuss with the doctor, it can be helpful to email these to our admin before your appointment; if there is a large amount of material, then an additional fee may be applied.
Please bring with you to your appointment; glasses if you wear them (not contact lenses), a list of any regular medication that you take and the D1/D2 forms for your medical.
A summary of your NHS medical notes would be helpful, but the DVLA do not make it a requirement that we see these.
Please bring with you to your appointment; glasses if you wear them (not contact lenses), a list of any regular medication that you take, the forms from your council and a print-out from your GP of your medical history (ask for a visit report).
The councils will NOT pass you if we have not had sight of these NHS notes.
Please bring your child’s immunisation booklet if you wish the details of the vaccination to be recorded within it.
A treat can sometimes be a helpful reward, too!
We have a short video on our website of a tongue tie division being performed which you may find useful. Please bring your baby a little bit hungry, as the doctor will ask you to feed them once the division has been performed.
We are generally happy to do blood tests requested by patients, but we will be unable to comment on results without knowledge of the patient.
It will be the patient's responsibility to present the results to another clinician to interpret.