Travel Vaccinations
Booking a holiday in the tropics for a last minute break or perhaps a honeymoon, can be as easy as a click or two away, but don't forget that in many tropical holiday destinations there are some disease risks that should be borne in mind. Being prepared before you travel may not just make things easier, but be a life-saver.
Specific travel vaccinations can include Cholera, Hepatitis A & B, Polio, Rabies, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Typhoid, Tick-borne and Japanese encephalitis.
General Travel Advice
As well as advice on vaccines, malaria tablets can be obtained in a standard 30min consultation and if advised of the destination beforehand, the doctor may order in specific vaccines needed.
Note: Vaccine supply can be notoriously variable & it is always best to plan as far ahead as possible before travel to ensure the best health protection.

Useful pre travel contacts
Discover travel health advice for destinations worldwide and a wealth of useful resources for travellers and health professionals.

Most of these are offered by Spa Private Medical, though at present Tuberculosis and Yellow Fever are not. Doses can vary for adults and children and most vaccines need a course of injections, sometimes up to a year for full, prolonged protection.... so plan ahead if you can, though a single dose will give some cover before travel and subsequent doses can be done after your return.