Trucheck-intelli Cancer Testing
Our Cancer Risk
Sadly, current evidence suggests that 1 in 2 people in the UK born after 1960 will have some sort of cancer in their lifetime. (Cancer Research UK. 2015) Contributory factors include genetic risk, increasing obesity, reduced exercise, smoking, alcohol and other dietary and environmental factors. Clearly, if we can detect these cancers early, then there is usually a far better chance of successful treatment.
Cancer Blood Test
The Trucheck-intelli simply consists of a blood test, taken at the surgery and analysed in a UKAS-accredited lab in Guildford, UK. Unlike most current 'tumour markers' (like PSA for Prostate cancer) this test actually looks for circulating cancer cells and can detect them for 70 solid tumours, even before any symptoms may have developed. It will not detect leukaemias, lymphomas, myelomas and certain other 'non-solid' cancers.

Who, how often and how much
Trucheck is available to any patient over 35yrs old, who has not previously had a diagnosis of cancer. It has an overall 88% Sensitivity across the 70 tumours screened (meaning that up to 12% of them can be missed), though the sensitivity is higher for the more common tumours (Bowel, Breast, Lung, Prostate). It has an overall specificity of nearly 98% (meaning that there are very few 'false positives' for any tumour type). Results are back in 2-3 weeks and the cost of the test, including a 30-min pre-test consultation with a Doctor is £1250. If a couple want to have the test and attend the pre-test consultation together, then the cost is £2350
During the pre-test consult, the Doctor will discuss the implications of a +ve result. Although the NHS is currently trialling a similar test (the Gallieri test), if a +ve result arises, then further testing may need to be done privately and for those who are medically insured, a discussion with the insurer would be wise. In some, rare cases, subsequent conventional tests have had to be repeated, as the amount of tumour detected by Trucheck can be so small as to not 'show up' at first.
It is sold as a "Yearly Cancer Test"... as it only detects tumours present... not those that have yet to develop...but the cost makes this prohibitive to many. Given that our cancer risk rises as we age, then we are suggesting that people could have it once in their 30's, twice in their 40's, every 2yrs in their 50s and yearly, if they can, beyond.
Further info on the Trucheck-intelli Cancer test
A positive result means that CTCs have been found in your blood. The test results will indicate the location for the select type of cancers with high accuracy, and in other cancers the tissue of origin can be identified with reasonable accuracy. This means we can tell you where the cancer started developing in your body.
With any positive result, a member of the clinical team will call you personally to discuss your results, what they mean and guide you on your next steps which would include a referral. We have an established patient pathway if you get a positive result.
A negative result means that at the time of the test there were no detectable cancer cells for the cancers included within the test, circulating in your blood. It does not mean that you will never develop cancer.
For any cancers not covered by the test, no inference should be drawn from a negative result.
Launched in the UK in late 2022 after rigorous clinical trials, this test is brand new to the diagnostic screening indstry. It is the only test available publicly to check for Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs), detecting even the tiniest existence of cancer from a small blood sample.
Highly accurate, it not only identifies whether you have CTCs, but also where they originated. This means you know where in your body the primary tumour is located, speeding up diagnosis and treatment, and enabling doctors to focus treatment on the required areas.
Although the fundamental premise of both the Grail and the TruCheck test is to identify the presence of early stage cancers in the blood, the technology is quite different. Grail relies on a process where the detection of cells is indirect, where the TruCheck test uses immunocytochemistry to directly detect actual Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs). Grail, unlike TruCheck, is not available in the UK as a private test and is currently only being conducted as part of an NHS Clinical trial.
The supporting medical trial data for Grail has not been as strong in the detection for early-stage cancers in comparison to TruCheck, and so the overall cancer pick-up rate is lower. Parking the accessibility of the tests, Goodbody have assessed both tests extensively and we have found TruCheck to be far more suitable for asymptomatic cancer screening, giving the best possible detection rates for patients.
AD: Salivary Duct, Thyroid, Breast, lung, Oesophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum, Colon, Rectum, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Bile Duct, Liver, Ovary, Prostate, Uterus
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
SCC; Buccal Mucosa, Hard Palate, Larynx, Lip, Oral Cavity, Paranasal Sinus, Pharynx, Pyriform Fossa, Retromolar Trigone, Soft palate, Tongue, Tonsil, Oesophagus, Lung, Penis, Cervix, Vulva, Vagina, Anorectal, Skin
Adenosquamous Carcinoma
ADSC: Oesophagus, Lung
NET: Lung, Esophagus, Duodenum, Jejunum, lleum, Thymus, Adrenal, Pancreas, Prostate, Colon, Rectum
Renal Cell Carcinoma
RCC: Kidney
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
CC: Bladder, Renal Pelvis, Ureter
Gastrointestinal Stromal tumors
GIST: Stomach, Duodenum, lleum, Jejunum, Colon, Rectum
Cutaneous, Mucosal
Plural, Peritoneal
Carcinosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Leiomyosarcoma, Osteosarcoma, Liposarcoma
Small Cell Lung Cancer